Thursday, November 20, 2008

buzoncrime: A Drive home at night thru Baltimore in Search of a Snack

This is an old post  dedicated to a dear friend and Sun food blogger extraordinaire:

buzoncrime: A Drive home at night thru Baltimore in Search of a Snack


Bmore said...

Im a big fan of your Blog Buz! We have traded some points in the past inside the baltimorecrime blog, i check Buzoncrime once a day atleast!

I agree with your post about late night dining in Bmore..the closest place to my house is the McDonalds next to Wabash and W.Northern Pkwy...its definantly kind of shady at night time..but i take my chances at the drive through :)

buzoncrime said...

Thanks! It's always nice to have a fan! Your posts often make me laugh despite the serious nature of the subject matter.

Unless there's a lot of people out and about, or you really feel comfortable for some reason, it pays to take care in most parts of Baltimore, Bmore. Drive thru's are a bit safer.

We're getting into the high-crime season of the year after tomorrow. But it seems to have started early with the amount of violence we have seen in the past week in the city, the counties (though not so much), and in the schools. Yuck!

Anyone using a late night eating spot should always look in first, and look around before getting out of your car.