Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thanks to Troy Johnson, Gus Gordon, and Andy Ratner, along with Jeff Landew

Buz wants to give thanks:
Andy Ratner of the Sun had an article on blogs in which he mentioned little ole me!

He became aware of our existence from the efforts of Jeff Landew, a dear old friend of the family and Copy Editor Supreme at the Sun.

Gus Gordon, Troy's producer, was emailed the article about my little blog.

Troy Johnson, heard daily on WHFS, 105.7, is a really nice guy who invited my on his radio talk show last Thursday to talk about crime in Baltimore. (And there's a lot to talk about!). He fills the 1-3pm shot following the Ed Norris Show (now there's a guy with a huge following who landed on his feet!) We talked about the Inner Harbor skateboarding incident, hypersegregation of crime, and crime in general.

Thanks to all; we'll blog on and try to make it interesting.


mdebbrr said...

Buz, I heard you on Troy's show. It took me awhile to figure out your website, but its been well worth it. I have been catching up on your postings.

I think your awesome! I am in the Baltimore Highlands/Highlandtown area and we could use a lot more of like minded "Buz's" here!

Way to go.

buzoncrime said...

Well, gee, thanks!
I wondered what part of Highlandtown you're in, and how the crime is in that area.

Please let me know.

mdebbrr said...

Well technically its called Baltimore Highlands, but the weeds sort of cover the sign! LOL

I will email you the info...don't want any stalkers to find me on here.

Keep up the great work, I am addicted to your site. COMMON SENSE PEOPLE!